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Per Passione - Collage: Recording Nenna '13

Per Passione is a vocal consort that specialises in the polyphonic repertoire of vocal music from the Renaissance and early Baroque. The ensemble was established in 2007 and is based in Aarhus, Denmark.

A GREAT BIG THANK YOU to all those of you who helped us reach our goal at sponsume.com! With your help, we raised the DKK 30.000 that we needed, and our CD - a recording of the Italian composer
Pomponio Nenna's 8th book of madrigals - will be published in 2014. Stay tuned for news and updates!

Meanwhile, Erik has left for England and The University of York, where he's doing his MA in Solo Voice Ensemble Singing with Robert Hollingworth. Anna has started her degree programme in Ensemble Singing at Schola Cantorum Basiliensis in Basel, where she studies with Evelyn Tubb and Anthony Rooley.

[...] 2. (entusiasmo) intense feeling, passion, love. [...] 4. (sofferentia spirituale) spiritual suffering, suffering, distress; (tormento) anguish. [...]
il Sansoni Inglese.
Logo 2 - Per Passione Last updated 21/10 2013
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Webmaster: webmaster (a) perpassione.dk ; Photos: Theis Lützen & Ida Marie Pedersen